We are fast becoming or maybe have already become a global village with mono-characteristics including a monoculture. There are some parts of the world which still boast something of their original culture which includes a way of life, traditional dress, musical instruments, their choice of food and of course their animals ( In Hong Kong they dress up little dogs and push them around in prams, in Peru they adorn Llamas who happily follow their family around) . Rural Peru never fails to provide a rich cultural experience for the photographer. Sometimes its an amusing mix as they embrace modern technology into their blend. An old lady in full time-honored attire charging down a narrow alley in a rural town, with a llama in tow and a cellphone to her ear is a mind-bender. As is the little indigenous Indian child, clad in a loin cloth, sailing down the river in a dugout canoe in the middle of the Amazon - playing games on a cellphone.. too much really!
I focus mostly on street portraiture in South America and some black and white landscapes. We were hoping to host somewhat expensive but intriguing Street Art and Portraiture photography tours to various countries in South America but alas Covid has put that on hold.